
Analysis on import and export status and product structure of China's adhesive industry in 2021 polymer adhesive is the main import and export product

Analysis on import and export status and product structure of China's adhesive industry in 2021 polymer adhesive is the main import and export product

Weekly News

Major listed companies in adhesive industry:Listed companies in China's adhesive industry include Huitian Xincai (300041), Sibao Technology (300019), Binhua Co., Ltd. (601678), etc.

Core data of this article:Export amount, export price, export product structure, product exporting country

1. China's adhesive import and export trade deficit

According to the customs data, in 2020, the total import and export volume of China's adhesives and sealants reached US $4.871 billion; Of which, the import amount is USD 2.692 billion; The export volume is USD 2.179 billion; The trade deficit reached 502million US dollars.

Import and export of adhesives

2. China's adhesive export is growing

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs of China, from 2009 to 2020, China's total exports of adhesives and sealants continued to grow, with an increase of 37.19% to US $1097 million in 2010 and US $1699 million in 2015. By the end of 2020, the export volume was USD 2.179 billion.

Import and export of adhesives

3. The export volume of products with polymers as basic components is the largest

From the perspective of product structure, from 2009 to 2020, China exported 8 kinds of adhesives and sealants. Among them, in terms of amount, "35069190 other adhesives with rubber or polymers as basic components" are the main export products of adhesives and sealants. In 2020, its export value was US $1.029 billion, accounting for 47.21% of the total export value of adhesives and sealants.

Import and export of adhesives

Import and export of adhesives

4. China's adhesive import volume keeps growing

In 2010, China's imports of adhesives and sealants increased by 60.75% to US $1.879 billion. In 2011, they still maintained a growth rate of 15%. In 2012, the growth rate began to decline to less than 10%. In 2015, there was a negative growth. The annual import volume was US $2.294 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 7.48%; In 2019, the import volume was USD 2.589 billion, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%. By December, 2020, the import volume was USD 2.692 billion.

Import and export of adhesives

5. The main imported product category is adhesive with polymer as the basic component

From the perspective of product structure, from 2009 to 2020, China imported 8 kinds of adhesives and sealants. Among them, in terms of amount, the main imported products of adhesives and sealants in China are "35069190 other adhesives with rubber or polymers as basic components".

Import and export of adhesives

Import and export of adhesives

The above data refer to the analysis report on the production and marketing demand and investment forecast of China's Adhesive Industry issued by the prospective industry research institute.